Quality policy


Company  Komet d.o.o. introduced a quality management system to achieve the highest possible level of quality of their products and services in the areas of:

designing, manufacturing and assembly.

The goal of all employees is to fully understand the requirements of our customers and partners.
In achieving these objectives we:
Ø are guided by the needs of customers, laws and regulations,
Ø encourage the principle of leadership,
Ø involve all stakeholders,
Ø strive for the systematic management,
Ø strive for constant and continuous improvement and development
Ø aim to create a partnership environment with customers and suppliers,
Ø strive to meet the expectations of employees

We take and develop responsibility, accuracy, timeliness, and honest, polite and fair relationships with all our business partners.

The quality management system based on the requirements of ISO 9001 will be maintained with the help of competent, internationally recognized and neutral certification organization.

This task can be achieved only by systematic and continuous progress of all our employees for which they are severally liable, including the director as the most responsible for promoting all activities affecting quality. In this way the company and its employees most directly affect the quality of the company and their own quality.  By improving the business success of the company they will also influence the quality of their private life as well as the society we live in its entirety.

Dražen Sinko, dipl.ing.

* - Pflichtfelder